Nationwide Vehicle Contracts offers valuable safety tips for both pedestrians and drivers to make your Halloween night not only spooktacular but also secure.
Halloween is great fun for both adults and children alike. The streets come alive with children dressed in their favourite costumes, while adults can soak up the excitement of their little ones hunting for sweets.
While we don't want to be party poopers, it's essential that you keep safety in mind when heading out for Halloween.
In this blog, car leasing experts Nationwide Vehicle Contracts offer safety tips for both drivers and pedestrians to ensure nothing too scary happens.
For Pedestrians:
1. Be Visible
Halloween is in wintertime for us in the UK, so it's essential that if you're out trick-or-treating, you're well-lit. Ensure your costume includes reflective materials to increase visibility to drivers, such as tape or stickers.
If you live in an area that's not very well-lit, carry flashlights or glow sticks to light your way and ensure you're heading in the right direction.
2. Choose Safe Footwear
Towards the end of October is when winter begins to kick in, so you'll need to get out of your summer habits and put on some secure footwear. Ensure your shoes will keep your feet warm and dry, and they have plenty of grip to make sure you don't slip.
You should also consider comfortable and supportive shoes if you're going to be trick-or-treating all evening. Avoid high heels or impractical footwear that will hinder your mobility.
3. Stay on Popular Routes
As always, when you're heading out in the dark, remember to stick to routes that you're familiar with. Stay in your local community and on the pavements you know, and avoid taking shortcuts through unlit areas which could be unsafe.
4. Stay with Young Children at All Times
Children under the age of 12 should be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. Children are innately curious, and if they see something new, they might run off, leading them to get lost and cause panic within the group. To prevent this, ensure kids stay in sight at all times.
If you've got a young child, hold hands or have a pram with you, just in case.
5. Stay Alert
Finally, stay alert with your trick-or-treaters at all times. Avoid distractions such as mobile phones or headphones, and keep an eye out at all times. As most of the time you'll be walking on the pavement, ensure children are crossing the road safely and aren't wandering into the road when going from house to house.
As well as keeping your children safe, being engaged in their night will make it that bit more special for them.
For Drivers:
1. Drive Slowly and Carefully
On Halloween night, expect an increased number of pedestrians out, especially children. Like when you drive near a school, reduce your speed and be prepared for sudden stops.
2. Keep Your Eyes on the Road
Put away any mobile devices and eliminate any other distractions while driving, such as food and drink. This will ensure you concentrate on the road to ensure everyone's safety.
3. Use Headlights
As most trick-or-treaters will be out after the sun has set, ensure your headlights are on to give yourself the best chance to spot any pedestrians. Also, try and keep your headlights on low-beam where possible. This will prevent you from stunning any pedestrians and other drivers.
4. Be Patient
The streets are much busier than usual on Halloween night, so expect frequent stops for pedestrians and slow-moving traffic. If you've been waiting for a while, refrain from aggressive driving behaviour like using your horn or tailgating, as this increases the chances of an accident.
Also, Halloween is a special night for children, so remain patient and remember that you were their age once!
5. Designate a Sober Driver
If you're heading to a Halloween party and expect to have a few drinks, designate a driver who will be under the legal alcohol limit. As we've mentioned above, the streets are busier than usual on Halloween, so the risk associated with drunk driving increases.
For more information on the dangers of drink driving, check out our comprehensive drink driving guide.
Looking for more Halloween-themed blogs? We've produced various spooktacular blogs this year, including the Spooky Locations Perfect for Halloween and Spooky Car Shows, Races, and Parades Around the World.
Nationwide Vehicle Contracts is also one of the UK's largest car leasing brokers, offering a range of leasing deals to suit your every need. We provide various services, including Used Car Leasing and In-Stock Car Leasing.